
Company Blogging: Whose Voice Is It?

We bloggers talk a lot about finding our voice, that mystical quality that is uniquely us and yet somehow resonates with a wider audience. What happens, though, when your blog gets written by a group of authors? How does a company or community blog find its voice and not just devolve into a schizophrenic mess?

I’d like to tell you that there’s some secret recipe, but honestly, I think that the most successful companies recognize that they can’t completely control their creation – they have to let it grow and evolve naturally. Intuitively, they somehow recognize the following three realities of collective blogging:

1. Voices Naturally Emerge

Some people, whether they’re just natural writers, strong personalities, or great at what they do, naturally stand out in a crowd. This makes some companies nervous, and they automatically try to rein in those voices, restricting their authors to rigid rules and standards. Too often they end up destroying whatever quality made those writers worth reading in the first place, exactly the quality that would help them build an audience and be successful. Good companies recognize that strong voices naturally emerge, and they play to that strength.

2. Voices Create A Chorus

Even as strong voices naturally emerge, the best company blogs are still group efforts. Without forcing a structure on them, order somehow appears out of chaos. Like any group, a successful company blog finds a common language and culture, develops in-jokes and popular themes, and starts to feel like a conversation. Companies that try the hardest to force this structure are usually the ones who end up destroying it.

3. Voices Eventually Change

Finally, successful companies recognize that voices change – people grow, take on new roles, and eventually move on. We’ve seen it here at SEOmoz, most recently with Rebecca leaving, but it’s happened before that and will inevitably happen again. When it does, that voice is always missed, both by the readers and the collective – the chorus falters a bit, but sooner or later, a new song picks up where the old one left off. It doesn’t mean that the efforts of past authors are diminished or unappreciated, simply that the collective is strong enough to find its voice again.

Adding My Voice to The Mix

Now that I’ve got you reading, I can admit that this post is really my way of making an announcement while trying to not make it all about me. I’m going to be taking on a new role here at SEOmoz, working with the staff to help support the community and some of the PRO functions (such as Q&A). Consider me your unofficial community organizer.

A Brief Re-introduction

Although some of you know me from the community and YOUmoz, Rand suggested that a brief re-introduction might be in order. It all started in the little town of Fenton, Illinois – Population: 137. Ok, maybe I can skip ahead a few years. When I was 9, I bought my first computer, a TRS-80 Color Computer (if you’re wondering, it was 1979). I immediately learned that coding was in my blood. Back then, I was so hardcore that if I made a mistake while typing in a program, I wiped out all my code and started over. Also, I didn’t know that you could edit just one line. Give me a break; I was 9. In case you were wondering, the 9-or-so year-old me is in that picture above – 3 pints of invisible fairy dust to the first person who can guess which one is me.

I started publishing code at 15 and ultimately decided to major in Computer Science. Due to a great intro class I had in high school, I decided to double-major, and went on to get my B.S. in Computer Science and Psychology. When I graduated in 1992, the internet hadn’t really taken hold and my itch to learn more about the human mind had just barely been scratched, so I decided to do my doctorate in Cognitive Psychology.

Long story short, the internet virtually exploded while I was in grad. school to become a household phenomenon, so I finished my Ph.D. and went to work for a startup in 1997. We went through the usual identity crises, from ISP to ASP to niche developers for the tradeshow industry, and I found myself going from being one developer in an abandoned warehouse to Executive VP of a $2M company and staff of 16.

In 2005, I finally decided that it was time to take the next step, and so I started my own company, User Effect, focusing on website usability. I wanted to get back in the trenches with clients and finally put everything I had learned to use. At the end of 2006, a client convinced me to attend my first SEO conference (SES Chicago). I had dabbled in SEO since the late 90s, but was always turned off by the snake-oil side of it, especially in the early days. What I learned at that first conference really opened my eyes. I started to see how search was an essential part of the user experience – you can’t tell where people are going or help them get there if you don’t understand where they’ve been.

I had the good fortune to see a certain Rand Fishkin speak at that show, and I learned about a community and blog called SEOmoz. In the 3 years since, the Moz community has become not only one of my favorite learning platforms, but a home away from home, and the launching point for dozens of friendships. I’ve gotten a lot out of this community, and now I hope to be able to give just a little bit back.

Letting My Voice Develop

As I start to contribute more directly to the site and become part of the collective voice, I’ll always try to remember that the community is much larger than myself. Of course, that doesn’t mean I’ll stop being me. As a long-time community member, I hope to use my new role to not only advocate for you the reader, but to answer the many lingering questions we all have about the inner workings of the Moz and its employees. Among these burning questions:

  • What is Rand’s fascination with yellow shoes and what kind of a name is Fish-kin, anyway? Is he merely fond of aquatic life, or is he descended from an ancient race of merfolk who hold the secrets to the Lost City of Atlantis?
  • What does Scott do all day, other than pick out music for Whiteboard Friday? Is that a real job?
  • Who is the real Danny Dover, and where did he get his luxurious moustache? Expect some of these answers in my 7-part miniseries: “The Legend of Stachemaster D”.
  • Is Jennifer Lopez THAT Jennifer Lopez? She says “no”, but isn’t that what the real J-Lo would say if she were hiding from the paparazzi by working at an SEO firm? Think about it.
  • Who are Will, Tom, and Duncan, and what exactly have they been Distilling? Are they part of a second British invasion?

Of course, I also hope to learn enough about the rest of the Moz staff to mock them as thoroughly. In all seriousness, though, I’m looking forward to this new opportunity and hope to be able to provide some real value. If anyone has questions or concerns about the community (or about me), please don’t hesitate to contact me, and thanks again for being part of one of my favorite spots on the internet.

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